Homegrown Moorestown Presents:
The Longest Table
Invite your family, friends & neighbors to join together at this bring-your-own dinner party! Enjoy live music, laughter and the good company we find within Moorestown, all while giving back to the community!
The Longest Table Returns!
May 30, 2025
6 - 11 PM
Registration will open in March.
Get the details of registration dates right to your inbox! Sign up below.
How it works
Moorestown will host a dinner party at the longest table you can imagine! This exciting community event and fundraiser aims to bring together neighbors, family and friends from all over town to enjoy a meal together at the longest table.
Tables are reserved for up to 6 people. Tables are limited, so don’t wait!
One person will serve as table captain to fill their table with 5 others (21+ adults). Only one person needs to register for their group.
Each table of 6 provides their own food, drinks, tablecloth, drink ware, plates, cutlery, napkins.
Tables will be placed by us to create the "Longest Table" in Moorestown.
Get creative! Set a theme for your cuisine, decorate your table or even dress to match! Costumes? Sure! We want you to make it your own. Bring flowers, decorations, props - whatever you want to make it festive and fun!
Attendees should arrive starting at 5:45 PM to set up their table, enjoy some live music and mingle with new friends during social hour. There will be plenty or time to socialize before, during, and after dinner.
The music goes on during dinner! We are hoping to create a playlist for all to enjoy during dinner featuring YOUR favorites!
Special thanks to Cooper Party Rentals for donating the tables and chairs for this community event!

Fundraising Event
In the spirit of community, The Longest Table hosted by Homegrown Moorestown, will donate the event proceeds to Mission Voice. Mission Voice is a close partner of the Moorestown Department of Parks and Recreation working together to provide Inclusive Programming for over 300 children and young adults. These programs include Summer Camp, S.M.A.S.H (Social Meeting After School Hours), Challenger Baseball, Family Game Night, Soccer, and a Holiday Party welcoming families from Moorestown as well our neighboring communities.
Mission Voice Overview:
Mission Voice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization intended to help individuals with special needs find their voice and place in the community. The organization was founded by the O’Donnell family of Moorestown whose son Daniel is a graduate of Moorestown High School. Daniel has Down Syndrome and uses an iPad to communicate effectively. Mission Voice is active within our Moorestown community, partnering with many local organizations to help bring awareness and raise funding to help grow programs meeting the needs of all individuals.

Event Details
All Moorestown residents 21 years and older
$SET PRICE (TBD) for a table of 6 (table and 6 chairs are provided)
Your group provides the rest!
Thank you Cooper Party Rentals!
DATE: May 30, 2025
(rain date: June 13, 2025)
6:00 PM - social hour with live music
7:00 PM - dinner begins
Church Street Recreation Center Parking Lot
111 W. 2nd St.
Moorestown, NJ US 08057
Public parking is available at the municipal lot on 2nd street, the library parking lot, and street parking close by. Walking is encouraged! Handicapped parking will be located off 3rd St at the Church St Recreation Center.
Email us with any questions regarding access to handicap parking.
On behalf of Homegrown Moorestown, Mission Voice and The Moorestown Parks and Recreation Department, THANK YOU!
Your donation will help fund Inclusive Programs for 300+ children and young adults!